Nikki Haley Daughter, Family, Son, Wedding, Fast Facts

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Nikki Haley, born on January 20, 1972, in Bamberg, South Carolina, served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2018 during the presidency of Donald Trump.

She made history as the first woman to be the governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 and later sought the Republican Party’s nomination in the 2024 presidential race.

Raised by Indian immigrant parents who owned a small foreign goods store, Haley began working there as a teenager.

After studying accounting at Clemson University, she married Michael Haley in 1996.

Nikki entered politics in 2004, winning a seat in the state House of Representatives with a traditional Republican platform.

In 2010, backed by the Tea Party movement and Sarah Palin, Haley ran for governor, overcoming a challenging campaign marked by racial slurs and accusations of infidelity.

She became the first woman and person of an ethnic minority to hold the governorship in South Carolina.

After the tragic 2015 Charleston church shooting, Haley successfully led efforts to remove the Confederate flag from the State Capitol.

In 2016, she gained national attention, giving the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address.

Despite initial criticism of Donald Trump, Haley was chosen by him to serve as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 2016.

She resigned as governor and assumed the role in January 2017.

As UN ambassador, Haley was known for her outspoken stance on Iran and North Korea’s nuclear programs.

She supported Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018.

Despite occasional disagreements with the Trump administration, Haley resigned as UN ambassador in October 2018.

She later joined the board of directors for Boeing in 2019 but resigned the following year due to objections over the company seeking a federal government bailout during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remaining active in politics, Haley announced her candidacy for the 2024 presidential race in 2023, becoming the first Republican to challenge Trump.

Haley authored autobiographies, including “Can’t Is Not an Option: My American Story” (2012) and “With All Due Respect: Defending America with Grit and Grace” (2019).

In 2022, she published “If You Want Something Done: Leadership Lessons from Bold Women.”

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Nikki Haley is challenging Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race, a decision she announced just two years after expressing she wouldn’t run.

In January, Haley emphasized the need for a new generation of leadership and criticized the idea that one must be 80 years old to lead in Washington during an interview with Fox News.

As the first woman to be elected governor of South Carolina and the first non-white and non-male governor in U.S. history (alongside Susana Martinez), Haley has a trailblazing political career.

Born Nimrata Nikki Randhawa on January 20, 1972, in rural South Carolina to Indian immigrant parents, she faced challenges of identity and prejudice growing up.

Raised in a Sikh family, her father, Ajit Singh Randhawa, and mother, Raj Kaur Randhawa, played influential roles in the community, with her mother breaking societal norms by earning a law degree.

Haley’s early life in Bamberg, South Carolina, was marked by being the only Indian family, facing racial biases, and even experiencing stereotyping in school plays.

Despite challenges, she excelled academically, displaying a remarkable ability to read and write cursive by the age of 4 and taking on accounting responsibilities for her mother’s business at 13.

Graduating from Clemson University in 1994 with a degree in accounting, Haley met her future husband, Michael Haley, whom she convinced to change his name from Bill to Michael.

Overcoming cultural differences and family objections, she married Michael in 1996, converting to Christianity, and the couple has two children.

Haley entered politics in 2004, challenging the longest-serving incumbent in the South Carolina House of Representatives and winning despite facing discriminatory campaign tactics.

Rising quickly through the ranks, she became chair of the freshman class, majority whip, and a member of the influential Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee in the state legislature.

In 2010, Haley ran for governor, facing a tough primary and runoff but ultimately winning the election, making history as the first woman and person of an ethnic minority to hold the governorship in South Carolina.

As governor, Haley focused on job creation, luring industry to the state, and overseeing economic growth with an increase of 400,000 jobs during her tenure.

In response to the 2015 Charleston church shooting, Haley played a crucial role in removing the Confederate flag from the State Capitol, earning national recognition.

Despite early criticisms of Donald Trump, she reluctantly voted for him in 2016 and later became the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 2017, where she developed a reputation for outspokenness.

After leaving the Trump administration in 2018, Haley has remained active in politics, endorsing Trump in 2020 but criticizing his actions after the Capitol riot in 2021.

Haley’s political journey has been marked by resilience, overcoming challenges, and consistently achieving success, as evidenced by her impressive record of never losing an election.