Susanna Gibson Pictures, Fast Facts

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A Democrat vying for a crucial seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates allegedly engaged in explicit acts with her husband during a live online broadcast, encouraging viewers to offer “tips” for specific requests, as seen in online videos.

Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner and mother of two running in a competitive suburban Richmond district, reportedly streamed the explicit content on Chaturbate, a platform focused on online chatting while masturbating.

Videos captured from the Chaturbate stream were archived on publicly available sites, including Recurbate, with more than a dozen videos found. Some videos were archived on September 30, 2022, but the timing of the live stream remains unclear.

Republican operatives alerted The Washington Post to the videos, prompting their removal from Recurbate. However, they remained accessible on another non-password-protected site, along with explicit still photos from the videos.

In the videos, Gibson allegedly solicits “tips” for specific acts, potentially violating Chaturbate’s terms and conditions. She claims to be “raising money for a good cause” in at least two videos.

Gibson faces accusations of requesting tips for explicit acts and agreeing to perform certain acts only in a “private room,” which usually requires additional payment.

Gibson’s statement characterizes the exposure of the videos as an “illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.” Her lawyer claims a violation of Virginia’s revenge porn law and states collaboration with law enforcement.

Questions arise about the expectation of privacy on Chaturbate, with reference to a 2021 Virginia Court of Appeals ruling on the distinction between consent to being seen and consent to being recorded.

Gibson is running against Republican David Owen, a retired home builder, in Virginia’s House and Senate elections on November 7, 2023.

Both candidates, Gibson and Owen, are well-financed and enjoy support from their respective parties’ leaders. The outcome could influence control of the legislature and Governor Glenn Youngkin’s political agenda.

The highly competitive 57th House District, covering parts of Henrico and Goochland counties, is crucial for determining control of the legislature.

Despite Gibson outraising Owen, the videos have sparked controversy, impacting her campaign. Major donors include Clean Virginia Fund and Emily’s List.

Gibson’s campaign emphasizes her dedication to healthcare, serving the community for nearly 15 years, and fighting for issues like abortion rights and environmental protection.

The controversy prompted Gibson’s defense by supporters, who argue it is a smear tactic. State Sen. L. Louise Lucas defended her and urged voters to support her campaign financially.

Emily’s List, an advocacy group for Democratic female candidates, defended Gibson, citing her outspoken stance on reproductive rights and portraying Republican opposition as an attack on her advocacy.

Gibson’s opponent, David Owen, expressed sympathy for her difficult time and remained focused on his campaign.

The Republican operative who exposed the videos claims no affiliation with Owen’s campaign or other Virginia election groups and provided the information anonymously.

Corey D. Silverstein, an entertainment industry lawyer, asserts that streaming explicit acts online between consenting is legal.

Gibson’s Chaturbate profile, with over 5,770 followers, includes requests for “tokens” in exchange for specific acts, claiming to raise money for a good cause.

The controversy surrounding Gibson raises questions about the handling of personal and private matters in political campaigns, with potential implications for the election’s outcome.

Gibson’s statement accuses political opponents and Republicans of committing a crime to silence her, framing it as an attack on women speaking up.

The exposure of Gibson’s videos has ignited a debate about privacy, legality, and political motivations in the context of a high-stakes election.

Past controversies involving politicians engaging in explicit acts or facing allegations of misconduct are referenced, highlighting the broader context of such incidents in politics.

Supporters argue that the controversy is an invasion of privacy and that Gibson’s personal life should not impact her candidacy, while critics question the appropriateness of her actions.

The incident involving Susanna Gibson adds a layer of complexity to the political landscape, underscoring the challenges candidates face in navigating personal matters in the public eye.

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Susanna Gibson, raised in Charlottesville, is one of three siblings. Her mother, a graduate working on George McGovern’s campaign, was the first female class president of UNC’s Law School and served as the President of the School Board for Charlottesville City Public Schools.

A devoted Virginian, Susanna has spent nearly her entire life in the state. As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, Nurse Practitioner, and proud Virginian, she currently resides in the Short Pump area with her husband John David, children Jack and Lila, and dog Scout.

Susanna has contributed over 12 years of service as a Nurse Practitioner in Richmond, specializing in outpatient Obesity Medicine, Internal Medicine, and working with VCU Health Division of Geriatrics House Calls & Transitional Care Program.

During her tenure with VCU Health House Calls, Susanna provided primary care and intensive management for homebound and medically complex patients throughout Richmond and surrounding areas, becoming a passionate advocate for their needs.

Susanna, now a candidate for Virginia’s House of Delegates, is committed to replicating her dedication to her patients for the residents of the 57th District and the entire Commonwealth.

She pledges monthly town halls, personally answering emails and calls, volunteering in the community, and maintaining accessibility to represent constituents appropriately.

Susanna Gibson, a Democrat running for Virginia’s House of Delegates, faced exposure for participating in explicit activities on a website. The candidate allegedly requested “tokens” for inappropriate acts and accused her opponents of committing a “s*x crime.”

The 40-year-old nurse practitioner, running for a seat in the House of Delegates, had over 5,000 followers on Chaturbate and posted numerous videos, with the latest one dated September 30, 2022, as reported by The Washington Post.

One post on the platform revealed Susanna’s claim of an open marriage with her husband, attorney John David Gibson.

In another video, she encouraged viewers to “tip” her with “tokens” to watch explicit acts, citing it as fundraising for an unspecified cause.

Susanna Gibson, according to her official website, holds degrees from the University of Virginia and Columbia University, with years of experience in various medical capacities, including emergency medicine, obesity medicine, internal medicine, and home-based primary care.

The mother of two is an advocate against gun violence and received the 2023 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction.

Endorsed by former governor Ralph Northam, Gibson emphasizes the importance of affordable quality healthcare and reproductive healthcare in her campaign.

Responding to the scandal, Susanna stated that the public posting of the videos constituted an invasion of her privacy intended to humiliate her and her family.

She asserted her resilience, stating that the scandal would neither intimidate nor silence her, accusing political opponents and their Republican allies of being willing to commit a “s*x crime” to silence women.

Gibson’s Republican opponent, David Owen, a retired home builder, expressed sympathy for her and her family during this challenging time, maintaining focus on his campaign.

Gibson’s lawyer, Daniel P. Watkins, deemed the video circulation a violation of the state’s revenge p*rn law, a Class 1 misdemeanor, and affirmed collaboration with state and federal law enforcement.

Susanna Gibson and David Owen are set to compete in the November 7, 2023 election for Virginia’s House of Delegates.